Create a Busines Site in minutes. No code, professionally designed and personalized!
With Linkcard the how to create business site questions gets answered in a flash.
Register, choose templates, edit and make it your own. Your brand can be online faster than ever before.
Now the question is…Are you ready to create your business site?

More than 20,000 users in over 100 countries chose us to create a business site
No coding or design experience required to create a business site
Choose from our content blocks, use our drag and drop feature and build your business site in no time.
No coding or design experience required to create a business site
Choose from our content blocks, use our drag and drop feature and build your business site in no time.
Transforms clicks
into emails
Expand your reach and get more potential clients than ever with our email capture form.
Transforms clicks
into emails
Expand your reach and get more potential clients than ever with our email capture form.
All the data you need to reach success
With our comprehensive dashboard you can easily assess what’s working and double down on it.
All the data you need to reach success
With our comprehensive dashboard you can easily assess what’s working and double down on it.
Your Linkcards are safe on our cloud. Boost your communication by creating as many multipurpose mobile pages as you need
Connect your
Connect your domain to keep the top of mind of your brand across all mobile pages created with Linkcard
While you relax, your mobile pages work for you. Every connection captures leads downloadable from your dashboard
by Folders
Order your Linkcards by company area, activate/deactivate, edit, duplicate or delete any mobile page
Tracking ID´S
Track the usage of all your Linkcard products via builtin statistics, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel
We are proudly GDPR compliant. Linkcard cares and protects your privacy and data security by guaranteeing the highest standard available.